
Online Childcare Registration for Parents

Parents, register your children for the conference and fill our your medical release. There must be one form for each child.

Childcare Oversight Service

Please plan to come 120 minutes before the meeting begins for your assigned session. We will pray, fellowship and coordinate the details of your service.

If you have been contacted by LSM as a childcare overseeing brother for the entire conference, click the button below

If you have been contacted by LSM as a childcare coordinating brother, overseeing your session of service, click the button below:

Childcare Service

Please plan to come 90 minutes before the meeting begins for your assigned session. We will pray, fellowship and coordinate the details of your service.

If you are assigned to serve the Classroom Sign In/Sign Out, click the button below:

If you are assigned to serve on Singing Time & Lessons, please click the button below:

If you are assigned to serve in the classroom w/ children and crafts, click the buttons below:

*If you are 
unsure of your assigned area of service, please contact your local coordination brother.

Click the button below to see the childcare schedules.