Lesson # 1 – The Bible


Memory Verse: Deuteronomy 6:6-7 And these words, which I command you today, shall be upon your heart; And you shall repeat them to your children, and speak about them when you sit in your house and when you journey on the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up…

More verses to read and share: John 1:1; Hebrews 11:3; Genesis 12:1; Matthew 4:4; Psalms 33:6

Notes to Serving Ones Regarding Songs:

  1. Songs progress from easiest to hardest to facilitate singing with the younger and older age groups in Opening Time.
  2. Songs also are listed in a particular order to match the sequence of the talking points.
  3. Please read the information on all the different ways to sing a song!
  4. If there is a specific song you would like to sing besides the ones suggested here, it must be approved by the Living Stream Ministry by contacting Tom Little @ 817-528-8654.

Approved Songs:


  1. Talking points progress from simple to more complex. To afford the maximum enjoyment, they are to be shared with the children in a story like manner, not merely read aloud.
  2. Talking points should be shared two or three points at a time. Then sing a song or two! Then share a little bit more! Then sing a little more! Remember, children do not have the capacity for a long sharing.
  3. Remember singing will impart more than our sharing!

Approved Lesson One Talking Points:

  1. When people speak, things happen. For example, if your mother calls you, you come. If you say something to your friend, they may laugh or smile.
  2. God also speaks. He is not silent.
  3. By God’s speaking, we find out who He is. If He were silent, we would have no way to know Him.
  4. God’s speaking is not ordinary. It is higher than our speaking. When God speaks, things happen!
  5. We can’t create things by speaking, but God can. Everything you see, like the stars and trees and kittens are the result of God’s speaking.
  6. God communicates with us in way that we can understand. He doesn’t communicate by thunder, lightening, etc.  He uses speaking and writing, (our way of communicating) to speak to us.
  7. When God spoke, the whole universe came into being. His speaking holds the whole universe together.  We can’t create by speaking, but God can. Everything we see, (like stars and trees and kittens) is the result of God’s speaking.
  8. In the Bible, we can see that God spoke directly with men.
  9. God spoke to Adam in the garden of Eden and told him about the trees in the garden. God also spoke to Noah and told him how to build the ark.  He spoke to Abraham and Moses and many others.
  10. Many times God spoke to men and sent them to tell others what He had said. In the Bible, prophets were men who heard God’s speaking directly and then they told God’s people what God had said.
  11. The people that God spoke to were supposed to remind their children what God said. In fact, God told them to talk to their children about it when they were walking, and to write it on their doors so that they would not forget.

Approved Activities for Younger Children:

  1. Play “Mother May I”
  2. Make a huge mural of all the things the children like from creation.

Approved Activities for Older Children:

  1. Have the children write something about themselves, telling what they like favorite food, etc. The adults then read the papers aloud and have the class guess who it is.
  2. Read together God’s speaking to Adam in Genesis.