Lesson # 2 – The Bible


Memory Verse: Exodus 34:27 And Jehovah said to Moses, Write these words, for according to the speaking of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.

More verses to read and share:  Exodus 31:18; 2 Peter 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16; Matt. 4:4b

Notes to Serving Ones Regarding Songs:

  1. Songs progress from easiest to hardest to facilitate singing with the younger and older age groups in Opening Time.
  2. Songs also are listed in a particular order to match the sequence of the talking points.
  3. Please read the information on all the different ways to sing a song!
  4. If there is a specific song you would like to sing besides the ones suggested here, it must be approved by the Living Stream Ministry by contacting Tom Little @ 817-528-8654.

Approved Songs:


  1. Talking points progress from simple to more complex. To afford the maximum enjoyment, they are to be shared with the children in a story like manner, not merely read aloud.
  2. Talking points should be shared two or three points at a time. Then sing a song or two! Then share a little bit more! Then sing a little more! Remember, children do not have the capacity for a long sharing.
  3. Remember singing will impart more than our sharing!

Approved Talking Points:

  1. God is not silent. He spoke to man.
  2. When God spoke to people, they wrote down what He said.
  3. God spoke a lot. When His speaking was written down, it make 66 books
  4. All these 66 books were put together to make one big book, “the Bible.”
  5. The Bible was written down by many different people over a very long time.
  6. The Bible is a very big book because it contains many things that God said.
  7. God gave Moses the written Word of God. Then Moses continued to write down God’s speaking. This was the beginning of the Bible. The written word of God made it possible for God’s speaking to be passed on, even to us.
  8. The men who wrote the Bible were borne by the Holy Spirit, like the wind that carries a ship along on the ocean. They did not make up anything.  When they wrote, they were carried along by God and directed what to write.
  9. The writers of the Old Testament include at least 32 people, like Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David and many others. Among the writers of the Old Testament there were priests, kings, prophets, military men, shepherds, farmers, etc.
  10. The writers of the New Testament include at least 7 people, like Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, etc. Among the writers of the New Testament, there was a doctor, a tax collector, a fisherman, a well-educated Jewish leader, etc.
  11. First, the Bible was written down on tablets of stone and then on animal skins, papyrus, vellum, paper, and now on very thin Bible paper. If Bible paper was not used the Bible would be so thick.
  12. The earliest copies of the Bible are written in many different ancient languages. Today it is translated into many languages.
  13. The Bible was written in many different places, such as on a mountain, in a wilderness, in a prison, on an island, in Jerusalem, in Rome, and in other lands.
  14. Even though the Bible was written by different people in different places over 1500 years, all the writings give us one complete picture of God. The Bible is one complete book, an entire, complete record of God’s speaking to us.

Approved Activities for Younger Children:

  1. Have the kids speak something, and a grown up writes it down and gives a copy to another child. Translate it into another language.
  2. Look at different kinds of paper, parchment, pens.

Approved Activities for Older Children:

  1. Show the kids how paper is made.
  2. Look at Bibles in different languages.
  3. Bring a map or globe and look at some of the places where people were from who wrote the Bible.