Lesson # 3 – The Bible


Memory Verse: Exodus 20:1- And God spoke all these words saying…

More Verses to read and share:  Hebrews 1:1; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Deuteronomy 6:6; Psalms 19:7

Notes to Serving Ones Regarding Songs:

  1. Songs progress from easiest to hardest to facilitate singing with the younger and older age groups in Opening Time.
  2. Songs also are listed in a particular order to match the sequence of the talking points.
  3. Please read the information on all the different ways to sing a song!
  4. If there is a specific song you would like to sing besides the ones suggested here, it must be approved by the Living Stream Ministry by contacting Tom Little @ 817-528-8654.

Approved Songs:


  1. Talking points progress from simple to more complex. To afford the maximum enjoyment, they are to be shared with the children in a story like manner, not merely read aloud.
  2. Talking points should be shared two or three points at a time. Then sing a song or two! Then share a little bit more! Then sing a little more! Remember, children do not have the capacity for a long sharing.
  3. Remember singing will impart more than our sharing!

Approved Talking Points:

  1. The Bible is God’s Word. It is not an ordinary book or a collection of stories.
  2. God’s word is true. Many people say things that are not true, but everything God says is true.
  3. The Bible is full of God’s promises. He made many promises to people.
  4. God keeps His promises. Whatever He said He would do, He does.
  5. Over time, many things and many people change. But the Bible, which has God’s words and His promises, will not change. They are always true!
  6. Every word of the Bible comes from God. That’s why no one should add or take anything away from the Bible.  It is God’s speaking to man.
  7. Because the Bible is God’s word, we can trust it. Many people have many different ideas about things, and ideas may change.  But the Bible is God’s word.  We can look to the Bible to find out what God thinks.  The Bible gives us direction about many things.
  8. The Bible contains God’s speaking in many portions and in many ways. But all of it conveys God’s thought, God’s feeling, God’s attitude and God’s person. We know the Bible is God’s word because it says so.  The Bible says many times, “Thus saith the Lord” and “The word of the Lord”.  God Himself tells us that the Bible is His Word.
  9. We know that the Bible is the Word of God because the Lord Jesus also said that the Bible is God’s Word.
  10. Because the Bible is God’s word, we appreciate it and treasure it. You may see your parents or other believers reading the Bible, talking about the Bible, singing the Bible etc. We love the Bible because it is God’s speaking that has been given to us.
  11. We know that the Bible is the Word of God because it tells us about the universe before man was created. Only God knows this, and He tells us about it in the Bible.
  12. We know that the Bible is the Word of God because it predicts what will happen in the future. Some of the things have already happened.  Only God can know what will happen in the future.
  13. We know that the Bible is the word of God because no other book has affected history like the Bible. Many people have spent their lives trying to destroy the Bible, while others have given their lives for the Bible.  No other book in the word has caused so much to happen.

Approved Activities for Younger Children:

  1. Talk about promises people have made. It is hard for us to keep our promises, but God keeps all His promises.
  2. Look at pictures of old cars and old houses. Talk about how things get old or break down, but God’s word does not!

Approved Activities for Older Children:

1.Bring in some Bibles: Old Testament, New Testament, Greek, Hebrew, other languages.  Look at the Bible.  See how many pages it has, etc.  Talk about God’s speaking being in the Bible.