Lesson # 4 – The Bible


Memory Verse:  2 Timothy 3:15- And that from a babe you have known the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

More Verses to read and sharePsalms 119:9, 11a, 89, 103, 105, 140, 160, 162, 172; Luke 24:27

Notes to Serving Ones Regarding Songs:

  1. Songs progress from easiest to hardest to facilitate singing with the younger and older age groups in Opening Time.
  2. Songs also are listed in a particular order to match the sequence of the talking points.
  3. Please read the information on all the different ways to sing a song!
  4. If there is a specific song you would like to sing besides the ones suggested here, it must be approved by the Living Stream Ministry by contacting Tom Little @ 817-528-8654.

Approved Songs:

Notes to Serving Ones Regarding Talking Points:

  1. Talking points progress from simple to more complex. To afford the maximum enjoyment, they are to be shared with the children in a story like manner, not merely read aloud.
  2. Talking points should be shared two or three points at a time. Then sing a song or two! Then share a little bit more! Then sing a little more! Remember, children do not have the capacity for a long sharing.
  3. Remember singing will impart more than our sharing!

Approved Talking Points:

  1. The word Bible means “the books.”
  2. The Bible contains 66 smaller books. Some books of the Bible are long, and some are short.
  3. The Bible has 2 parts, the “Old Testament” and the “New Testament.”
  4. In each book, the Bible contains parts or chapters. Each chapter has short sentences or verses, which are numbered.
  5. Learning to read is great! When you learn to read, you can read the Bible and find out what God said.
  6. The Bible is so full of verses that you can read it many, many times in your life and always find something new.
  7. The Bible is like a treasure. Every time you open it and read it there is something new and wonderful there.
  8. Each writer wrote his own book. Every book was a different book. Then later they were all put together to be in one book. This is why we say “the Book of Genesis.”
  9. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.
  10. The Bible can be divided into several major sections, such as the Law, The Prophets, the Psalms, and then the Gospels, the Acts and the Epistles.
  11. The Lord Jesus referred to the sections of the Old Testament as Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.
  12. It is really good to be able to find verses in the Bible. If you know where the books are, you can find the verses that you want to read. It is helpful if you know the directions to a place.
  13. Many people who have been very useful to the Lord have known the Bible very well. For example, the Lord Jesus spoke verses from the Old Testament from His memory. He often said “Have you not read…it is written…the Scriptures said,” etc.
  14. The first manuscripts of the Bible were written in Hebrew and had no punctuation. No commas. No periods. It also did not have any vowels. “In the beginning God created” looked like “NTHBGNNGGDCRTD!” Sometimes it did not even have spaces between the words.
  15. According to history, when scribes made copies of the Bible, every word and character was counted to make sure the copy was accurate. If a mistake was made, the wrong copy had to be destroyed.  This way people made sure that God’s word was passed on over many, many years without changing and with complete accuracy.

Approved Activities for Younger Children:

1.Look at a Bible at all the different books.  See how many there are.

Approved Activities for Older Children:

1.Try different ways of memorizing a verse.  Play a game with looking up verses.