Lesson # 6 – The Bible


Memory Verse: Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.

More verses to read and share: 1 Peter 1:25a; Matthew 24:35; 2 Samuel 22:31; Mark 13:31; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 Peter 2:2; Ephesians 6:17

Notes to Serving Ones Regarding Songs:

  1. Songs progress from easiest to hardest to facilitate singing with the younger and older age groups in Opening Time.
  2. Songs also are listed in a particular order to match the sequence of the talking points.
  3. Please read the information on all the different ways to sing a song!
  4. If there is a specific song you would like to sing besides the ones suggested here, it must be approved by the Living Stream Ministry by contacting Tom Little @ 817-528-8654.

Approved Songs:

Notes to Serving Ones Regarding Talking Points:

  1. Talking points progress from simple to more complex. To afford the maximum enjoyment, they are to be shared with the children in a story like manner, not merely read aloud.
  2. Talking points should be shared two or three points at a time. Then sing a song or two! Then share a little bit more! Then sing a little more! Remember, children do not have the capacity for a long sharing.
  3. Remember singing will impart more than our sharing!

Approved Talking Points:

(Note: There are many historical facts in this lesson that may require additional preparation as some children may ask more detailed questions.)

  1. Many people have read the Bible, studied the Bible and memorized the Bible.
  2. The Bible helps people understand who God is and what He thinks about things.
  3. Reading the Bible makes people happy.
  4. Reading the Bible is like a baby drinking milk; it makes God’s people strong.
  5. Just like people need to eat food every day, God’s people need to read the Bible every day.
  6. The Bible has lasted for thousands of years. Many of the ancient copies of the Bible still exist while other famous writings from hundreds of years ago have not survived.
  7. Throughout the years, people have tried to destroy the Bible. Armies have gone from house to house looking for Bibles and burned them.  There are many stories about how copies of the Bible survived.  One story tells of a family who hid their Bible in the leg of a chair.  A man who was looking for Bibles to destroy actually sat in that chair, but did not find the Bible!  Another family hid their Bible in a loaf of bread so that no one would take it from them.
  8. During one period of history called “The Dark Ages”, the Bible was locked up. Only special people were allowed to look at it.  It was also kept in a language that most people could not understand.  But men fought and gave their lives to make it available to all people.
  9. The Bible was the first book every printed. A man named Mr. Johann Gutenberg figured out how to print books on a printing press.  Now, the Bible is available in many places and in many languages.
  10. Even in our lifetime, some governments in some places do not allow Bibles. In these places, people have smuggled Bibles in and given them away. Copies of Bibles are passed around and shared secretly.  There are many amazing stories about how Bibles have reached people.
  11. The Bible changes people’s lives, changes people’s plans, and changes people’s hearts.
  12. The Bible can make people realize that they are doing things that are wrong, cause them to stop and apologize and turn to God.
  13. The Bible causes people to believe in Jesus.
  14. The Bible makes those who believe in the Lord strong, like milk makes your bones strong.
  15. The Bible makes believers complete, like giving a soldier all the equipment he needs to fight well.
  16. Sometimes a person who loves the Lord may feel sad or not know what to do. When he reads the Bible, he may be cheered up, or he may find out what he should do.

Approved Activities for Older and Younger Children:

  1. Hide Bibles in the room. Give clues to find them.
  2. Memorize a verse while jumping rope, bouncing a ball, or using other games.
  3. Make a list of everything the children have eaten today. Ask them what they plan to eat tomorrow. Talk about how eating keeps us strong. Their parents read the Bible because its makes them strong inside.
  4. Look at Bibles in other languages.
  5. Read stories of how Bibles were smuggled into countries.
  6. Using biographies, tell stories of of how people have changed after reading the Bible.